Going Bilateral?
I am doing so well with just one CI and keeping thinking how nice it would be if I had a CI on the other side. I have several reasons for wanting another CI. My thinking is that if I can do well with one, two would be better. It is also a safety issue with me. I'd like to have "surround sound" and better sound localization . It would be nice to be able to tell which direction a siren or traffice is coming from. Also, when the batteries in my CI die, I wouldn't have to stop what I'm doing to change the batteries like if I'm driving or something like that. Also when I'm on the phone, I'd like to be able to hear my voice and what is going on around me with the other ear or even be able to block it out, whichever meets my needs at the time.
Another reason would be for improved speech perception. Having two CI's would give me that extra "oomph" that I need and may even sound more like "normal" hearing. I think it would improve my hearing, especially in difficult listening environments.
Also, the right ear is for music and the left ear is for voices. The brain puts these two together
Should my other ear be saved for future developments? At my age, life is too short to wait. My right ear will never get better or improve on its own. I'd like to get rid of the hearing aid and not have to worry about ear molds or feedback anymore. Sounds like a lame excuse but feedback makes me self conscious and annoying. I have to be careful when I smile because the ear changes its shape when my jawbone and facial muscles move and the sound leaks through the ear mold. I've had several embarrassing moments and feedback can be annoying to other people, especially me, now that I can hear it with my CI!
I have realized that life is not going to come to me. I just have to meet the challenges as they come, take a deep breath and step out in to the world, and say, "Here I am, all of me."